Jacob has been featured in most leading Norwegian media over the years, including A-magazinet , Natt&Dag , NRK , and many others. Interview with the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra on the occasion of their violin festival. Foreign publications include Monocle , Strings Magazine and The Strad . Photographer Per Tore Molvær a day in the workshop .



KLANG:FOKUS a slightly different festival NRK Østlandssendingen
KLANG:FOKUS The festival opens NRK TV/radio Nyhetsmorgen/Kulturnytt
Klangfestival i Oslo NRK Klassisk, Musikkfrokost
Hang til Klang Musikkultur



Violin Festival in Stavanger

Photo: Moxey / SSO 2019


La oss snakke.

Contact info

Mobil +47 90019140
E-post: jacob@vonderlippe.com
Web: https://www.vonderlippe.com


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Thereses gate 5 B
0358 Oslo