My history

After building my first cello last year in high school, I was sold. Three years later, I found myself at the world-famous violin-building school in Cremona. Also known as the cradle of the violin.

Here you see a happy violin builder student with her teacher Wanna Zambelli. She was the first female teacher at the school and gave me her knowledge and time to explore on her own. Cremona was an inspiring city for me as a young student. All the teaching was in Italian, so I quickly learned the language.

Palazzo Raimondi where the violin building school ” Istituto Professionale Internazionale per l’Artigianato Liutario e del Legno, A. Stradivari” held for the years I went there.


After five years in Italy, it was time to turn our noses back home. I had already sold some of my first violins in Norway, and tried to the best of my ability to gain a foothold in the Norwegian music scene. I found a nice workshop room in Therese Street, where I still live. Already after two years in Oslo, I decided to focus exclusively on new construction of string instruments. I was so lucky to be able to build instruments for both Arve Tellefsen and Truls Mørk after a short time in the capital, which gave me a “flying start”.

I feel lucky to be allowed to work on my great passion every single day. That musicians value my instruments adds an extra dimension to it all.


Here you can read more about the dry facts.

Den Internasjonale Fiolinbyggerskolen: “Istituto Professionale Internazionale per l’Artigianato Liutario e del Legno “A. Stradivari” ” i Cremona;

Lærlingtid i verkstedet “Carlson Cacciatori & Neumann” i Cremona, Italia i regi av Regione Lombardia (fylket Lombardia) høsten 1998.

Toneheim Folkehøyskole 1993-94, hovedvekt på musikk.

Videregående trinn ved R. Steinerskolen i Vestfold med avsluttende årsoppgave våren 1993; “Bygging av cello”.

July 2000-
Violinist Jacob von der Lippe, Self-employed, Oslo. Works as a violin builder, from February 2002 full time. Concentrates my work on building new instruments in the violin family.

May 2006 – December 2012
Dextra Musica AS, (Sparebankstiftelsen DnBNOR), Oslo (part-time) Maintained and inspected the collection of 50 string instruments.

September 2005 – December 2005
Work stay with violin builder David Wiebe, Woodstock, USA Exchanged experiences and ideas, while building a cello. Received a scholarship from the Norway-America association.

May 2009 – June 2010
Coordinator for Ole Bull Jubilee at the Permanenten Kunstmuseum in Bergen (part time) Planning and implementation of a large-scale instrument exhibition where we collected 12 violins by Guarneri del Gesú in addition to 12 selected instruments from Dextra Musica’s own collection. I also organized a workshop at the museum where 7 violin makers together built a violin together.

June 2003, June 2004, June 2005 and June 2007
International Violin Builder Workshop, Oberlin College, Ohio, USA Worked with colleagues from around the world to share knowledge, new technology and ancient tradition.

August 2000 – February 2002
Hornaas Musikk A / S, Oslo. Worked as a violin builder, part time. Made major repairs and set up / rigged school instruments.

January 2000 – June 2000
Perfected me on my own in Cremona, in close contact with and under the follow-up of Edgar Russ, see below.

January 1999 – December 1999
Carlson, Cacciatori & Neumann Violin Workshop, Cremona. Employed as a full-time violin builder, worked under the direction of violin maker master Silvio Levaggi. Mainly new construction of instruments in the violin family.

September 1998 – December 1998
Carlson, Cacciatori & Neumann Violin Workshop, Cremona. Apprentice, full time. Built a violin for the final exam.

September 1996 – June 1997
Violinmaker Edgar Russ, Cremona. Apprentice, part-time. Worked with both the master’s and own instruments. Also involved the manufacture of own oil paint based on old recipes.

August 1997, August 1996 and September 1994
Hornaas Musikk A / S, Oslo. Summer job, full time. Made minor repairs and set up / rigged school instruments.

USA Violin and Bow Making Competition, Cincinnati, USA, 2002
The Strad Cello and Bow Making Competition, Manchester, England, 2001 and 2007
2nd International Competition for Lutheran and Architecture of the City of Paris, France, 1999


La oss snakke.

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Mobil +47 90019140


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Thereses gate 5 B
0358 Oslo