Insurance of your instrument
Having the right insurance for your instrument and bow is important, especially if something unforeseen should happen. I work with Lark Music Insurance in England, they are widely used by musicians in Norway and the rest of the world. As one of the leading companies in this niche, they have 25 years of experience and are incredibly skilled at instrument insurance. They are usually a little cheaper than the Norwegian companies. You can obtain a non-binding offer on their website before you decide. The whole process is done online. It is recommended to have their coverage of “climatic conditions” for Norwegian weather conditions. I receive a small annual commission for my recommendation if you end up taking out insurance with Lark.
For a quick and non-binding offer from Lark Music, click here: or on the images below (opens in a new window). I only write insurance valuations for instruments I have made myself.
If you need insurance rates for other instruments or bows, contact colleague Magnus Nedregård .
Instruments and bows for sale
carefully selected for you
Viola made by Jacob von der Lippe – Oslo, 2012
Viola by Jacob von der Lippe - Oslo, 2012 There are many advantages to acquiring a new instrument; you shape the sound with
Viola, Jacob von der Lippe – Oslo, 2011
Viola by Jacob von der Lippe - Oslo, 2011 Many viola players will after many years have a tendency to develop pain
W.E. Hill & Sons cello bow, A.J. Barnes 1919-39
W. E. Hill & Sons cello bow Arthur John Barnes Cello
Cello bow, Thomas Giquet, 2024
Cello bow by Thomas Giquet, France - 2024 It is
Sustainable Ipê bows from John Horst – Brazil
Sustainable Ipê bows from John Horst - Brazil Founded
Cello bow, Monique Poullot Chamonix model, 2023
Cello bow, Monique Poullot Chamonix 2023 I am pleased to be
Bows from Schaeffer – Brazil from sustainable IPÊ wood
Bows from sustainable IPÊ wood from Schaeffer - Aracruz, Brazil
Cello bow, Risto Vainio – Finland
Cello bow, Risto Vainio Cello bow made by Risto Vainio,
Insight into the workshop
violin • viola • cello
I can highly recommend Jacob von der Lippe’s instruments! I bought my violin in 2002, immediately falling in love with its sweetness and warmth.
On later occasions I have compared the violin with the older Italian, where von der Lippe’s instrument carries better and stronger than the Italian, -in a blind test with several musicians present. I appreciate the bright shiny sound, at the same time as the instrument has impressive resistance, so it takes a lot before the sound cracks, which gives the strong sound.
The violin projects sound in a way that fills the room without being perceived as strenuous. It has a rich and warm sound in all registers, while being easy to play and articulate. It blends well both in chamber music and orchestra playing. The process to have build my own violin is in itself very exciting, and felt entirely positive, thanks to Jacobs reliability and friendly service minded attitude.
Your violin has a glow and shine in the tone that I really appreciate, and the tone is round and full at the same time.
I simply love this violin and would not exchange it for anything. It has a very appealing sound: light, singing, lots of overtones, modular – it has both warmth and edge, and is even over the whole register. In addition, it’s incredibly easy to play, always in a good mood, and is not changing with the weather.
The violin is incredibly easy to play and easy to articulate and has a smooth, full sound throughout the register.
The violin is incredibly rich in overtones and I remember that I only rehearsed Bach’s solo sonatas and scores the first time because I was so inspired by the open sound.
Over the course of 20 years, my instrument has evolved a lot. The sound has become both bigger and warmer, my violin allows for a wide range of tonal shades, and it is very easy to play.
My “Jacob von der Lippe” instrument has shaped itself well to my personality, with a round pleasant tone. It easily fills various concert halls, be it the large ones (eg Oslo Concert Hall) or the small ones.
Do you want to try?
Tell me what you’re looking for
I have extensive experience with musicians at all levels. Whether you are a music student, freelancer, orchestra musician or soloist, I understand and listen to your wishes. You can always borrow with instruments and bows on home loans up to two weeks, insurance is taken care of.