Violin under construction by Ilze de Ligt, Lage Zwaluwe – 2025

To be completed during 2025, date to be announced later

In order for the violin making profession to be brought forward, I regularly welcome young talents in the profession. The newest addition is Ilze de Ligt from the Netherlands. She has completed her violin making education at ILSA in Belgium and worked with me for two months in the fall of 2023. This is the third violin Ilze will build for me, the second was sold after a short time to a violin student at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

This is the instrument for those who want the taste of a von der Lippe violin at a very nice price. See pictures below of the previous violin Ilze built, a “twin” to this one.

Contact jacob@vonderlippe to try this violin without obligation when it arrives at my workshop in Oslo.

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I have extensive experience with musicians at all levels. Whether you are a music student, freelancer, orchestra musician or soloist, I understand and listen to your wishes. You can always borrow with instruments and bows on home loans up to two weeks, insurance is taken care of.