Bows arriving in 2025
Delivery times
I have the pleasure of working with a number of leading bowmakers. Many of these have long delivery times due to high demand. These are the provisional delivery dates for 2025:
Monique Poullot – Violin, viola or cello bows in April, September and November
Pascal Camurat – 2 Atelier bows in June 2025, violin, viola or cello bows
Thomas Giquet – 1 violin bow in October 2025
When the bows arrive at my workshop, they are continuously put up for sale in their own posts. Get in touch by e-mail or call / sms 90019140 to make an appointment for a non-binding trial. The bows can be borrowed, so you can try it at home in peace and quiet for up to two weeks.
Bows for sale now
Do you want to try?
Tell me what you’re looking for
I have extensive experience with musicians at all levels. Whether you are a music student, freelancer, orchestra musician or soloist, I understand and listen to your wishes. You can always borrow with instruments and bows on home loans up to two weeks, insurance is taken care of.